Saturday, October 31, 2015

No Excuses November

I hit "that point" in my fitness journey.  I need just a little bit more to get over my plateau.  I decided to do a NO EXCUSES NOVEMBER.   I looked at my phone and realized come November 1st, I officially have 90 days until we are in San Diego and 240 days until my 30th birthday.  I have some big goals to hit!

I will be doing the Hammer and Chisel Hybrid Prep Schedule.  The schedule is 25-35min workouts 5 days a week.  All of the workouts are available on BOD (Beachbody on Demand) so I'm able to just grab the laptop, sign in and get started!

Here are the bullet points I came up with to follow:
  • Eat clean 90% (or better)
  • 75oz+ of water daily
  • Eat more greens
  • Shakeology daily
  • Hammer and Chisel Hybrid Prep
  • Train for a 5k by doing the Couch to 5K app
  • 5am workouts before work
  • No soda - only water, tea and beachbody performance
  • One "choice" meal a week
  • Meal plan on Sundays
  • Track food and water in MyFitnessPal
  • Minimum of 7500 steps daily
  • Weigh-ins on Monday and Thursdays - track weight and body fat percentage
  • Take before photos and measurements
  • Take after photos and measurements

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lasagna Rolls

Serves: 9 lasagna rolls
  • 9 lasagna noodles, cooked
  • 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and completely drained or sauté your own spinach 
  • 1 (15 ounce) container fat free ricotta cheese
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg
  • ½ teaspoon minced garlic
  • ½ teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • salt and fresh pepper
  • 1 chicken breast, cooked and diced (optional)
  • 32 oz tomato sauce (I used spaghetti sauce)
  • 9 Tablespoons part skim mozzarella cheese, shredded
  1. Preheat oven to 350°. Make sure you drain the spinach well. Combine spinach, ricotta, Parmesan cheese, egg, garlic, chicken, and salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Mix well. 
  2. Pour about 1 cup sauce on the bottom of a 9 x 13 baking dish.
  3. Place a piece of wax paper on the counter and lay out lasagna noodles. Make sure noodles are dry by patting them with a paper towel. Take ⅓ cup of ricotta mixture and spread evenly over a noodle. Roll carefully and place seam side down onto the baking dish. Repeat with remaining noodles.
  4. Ladle sauce over the noodles in the baking dish.
  5. Sprinkle Italian seasoning overtop of the sauce.
  6. Top each roll with 1 Tablespoon of mozzarella cheese. Cover baking dish tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 40 minutes, or until cheese melts.
  7. Once cheese is melted, we like to remove the foil and place the lasagna rolls back in the oven and broil for a couple minutes (optional).  
21 Day Fix: 2 Rolls = 1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Purple, 1 Blue, 1/2 Green
It makes for an easy freezer meal too!
I like to make a double batch.  I make one batch for the day and freeze the other. I do not put the shredded cheese on it before freezing.
Pop it in the fridge a few days prior to baking it, making sure it is fully thawed.  Add the shredded cheese then pop in the oven at 400 for 40 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

How to Menu Plan

Menu planning does not need to be difficult.  I do very little meal prep for the week.  I don't make up an entire week's food in one afternoon and eat leftovers all week. 
When I meal plan, I follow these simple steps.

 1.  Get out your planner. Look at what you have going on that week.  No sense in making a meal that takes an hour to make when you have soccer practice until 8pm.  And who really wants to make two different suppers?
 2.  Plan supper first.

 3.  Put your shake in the mix for a snack or breakfast.

 4.  Plan for leftovers for lunch the next day.  I typically have leftovers 3-4 times a week.  Plan the rest of your lunches accordingly.

 5.  Plan your snacks by filling in your container gaps.
6.  Make your grocery list.
7.  Go shopping.
8. Enjoy a hassle free week of menu planning!  You've already done it!  Way to go!  :)

~ Coach Ashley Fischer

Sunday, July 5, 2015

21 Day Fix Approved : Salsa Chicken

This is a staple in our household.   I usually make a big crockpot full of Salsa Chicken and freeze it in bags to use later.  This is so easy!  I typically make a double batch to have even more to freeze.  If I'm making the mess, why not make more? 

1.5lb frozen chicken breasts
1 pkt taco seasoning
1 jar clean salsa

How to make Salsa Chicken:
  1. Place frozen chicken breasts in the bottom of the crockpot.
  2. Sprinkle taco seasoning all over the chicken breasts.
  3. Pour a jar of salsa over the taco seasoning and chicken breasts.
  4. Cover and cook for 6-8hrs on low.*
  5. After chicken is cooked thoroughly, with two forks.
  6. Put back into the crockpot with the lid off.  Let it cool for an hour or so, stirring occasionally.
  7. Put in freezer bags and freezer flat to make storage easier!
*We typically cook on low for 10hrs while we are at work and it always turns out okay!

After Salsa Chicken is shredded.

This is how I bag my chicken.  Place freezer
bag in a cup and spoon in. 

8 bags from my double batch means
8+ meals for the next couple of months!

Some of our favorite Salsa Chicken recipes are:
Chicken tacos
Chicken Taco Salad
What other things could you use Salsa Chicken for?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

21 Day Fix Approved : Homemade Chicken Nuggets & Fries

My 4 year old, Cooper told me that he was excited for me to go away for a night on a work trip so he could have chicken nuggets and fries.   It broke my heart a little bit.   He’s excited for me to leave so he can eat crummy food?   Insert guilty mom feeling here.

Well, I knew there had to be a better way to make chicken nuggets and fries that didn’t take a ton of extra time and tasted MUCH better than that frozen junk.  Now, as a disclaimer, I am not against a parent feeding their child stuff from the freezer section.  I was guilty of doing it for over 4 years.   But, I will tell you, this only took an extra 20 minutes or so to throw together.  And the best part… I could use the leftover chicken nuggets on my salad for the next couple of days.  SCORE!
1.5lbs Chicken (I used Tenderloins)
2 Eggs
¾ C Whole Wheat Bread Crumbs
¼ C Parmesan Cheese
½ tbsp. Paprika
2 Potatoes (I used Russets)
¼ C Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I started with my fries because I like crunchy fries.  I knew they needed more time to bake than the chicken did.
Start by preheating your oven to 400 degrees. 
1.        Peel potatoes
2.       Cut potatoes into fry shape
3.       Put into bowl and toss with olive oil.   Sprinkle with desired about of sea salt and pepper.
4.       Spread out onto a pan lined with parchment paper, and place in the oven.
Chicken Nuggets
1.       Mix all dry ingredients in bowl (bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, paprika, salt and pepper), set aside.
2.       Break eggs into a separate bowl, whisk them and set aside.
3.       Cut up chicken in desired size (I used 2” pieces).
4.       Line pan with parchment paper, spray with olive oil.
5.       Dip each piece of chicken in egg and then the bread crumbs (making sure to coat the entire piece of chicken).  Place on the pan.  Complete this with all the chicken.
6.       Put in oven for 15-20 minutes, or until chicken is done. 
For you "Fix-ers", this recipe would be 1 red for the chicken and 1 yellow for the fries.   Enjoy!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekly Menu 5/11 - 5/17

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Taco Chicken Salad {1R 2G 1B 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Burgers & Green Beans {1R 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack:Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Leftover Burgers & Green Beans + String Cheese {1R 2G + 1B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter + Seeds {1P 1T 1O}
     Supper: Roast, Potatoes & Carrots {1R 1Y 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}
      Lunch: Leftover Roast, Potatoes & Carrots {1R 1Y 1G}

     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter + Seeds {1P 1T 1O}
      Supper: Spaghetti Squash {2G 1P 1R 1B}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}
      Lunch: Leftover Spaghetti Squash {2G 1P 1R 1B}
      Afternoon Snack: ApApple + Peanut Butter + Seeds {1P 1T 1O}
      Supper: Pizza Quesadillas + Cottage Cheese {1R 1Y 1/2P 1B}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Pita with Lunch Meat & Carrots {1Y 1R 1G}
      Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Taco Salads {2G 1R 1B 1O}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
      Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
      Lunch: Leftover Taco Salads {2G 1R 1B 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes & Corn {1R 2Y}

     Breakfast: Shakeology + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Pita with Lunch Meat, Cheese, Lettuce & Carrots {1Y 1R 1B 2G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Lasagna Roll Ups + Side Salad {1Y1G 1R 2G 1B 1O}

Mashed Potatoes -
I used to make my mashed potatoes with sour cream and butter.  This time around I substituted the sour cream for Plain Greek Yogurt.  You can't tell the difference.   PERFECT!  :)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Transformation Thursday

☆Transformation Thursday☆

These photos were taken in late February and early April after two rounds of the 21 Day Fix.

Was I perfect? No....
Did I workout everyday? No.
Did I eat clean all the time? No.

But guess what I did do...
I tried my hardest to make the right decisions.
I chose salads and wraps over burgers and chicken strips.
I drank as much water as I could each day.
I made time for myself to workout as much as possible.

For those challengers that know me, they know that I was dealing with a lot in my personal life with a new baby and a trashed rental house 200 miles away.

But... look!! I still had some amazing results and it gave me the fuel to keep going! I can't wait to see what two months of piyo does for me!

What is going to be the one thing that keeps you going??

Interested in more information?  Fill out my application and we can start chatting!

21 Day Fix Approved : Cheesy Chicken Burritos

I saw this recipe on Pinterest.   It looked delicious.   I was NOT a fan.  After opening the cheesy rice and broccoli, it smelled terrible.

So it was time to improvise!

Here's our version of Cheesy Chicken Burritos

2 servings - Brown Rice {Prepared per instructions}
1 - Chicken Bouillon Cube
4 - Whole Wheat Tortillas
1 - Chicken Breast, Shredded
Shredded Cheese
Homemade Salsa

I usually have shredded chicken already frozen in the freezer.  I make a lot at once so its ready for times like this.  If you have shredded chicken ready to go, I just warm it up on the stove with a little chicken stock so it doesn't get dried out.   If you don't have this, then you'll need to bake a chicken breast, then shred it. 

I start by making the rice per the instructions on the box.  While you are bringing the water to boil, put one chicken bouillon cube.  This gives the brown rice more a chicken flavor.

Once the rice is done, you are ready to assemble the burrito.  On the tortilla, put rice, shredded chicken, shredded cheese then some salsa on top.  Roll up the burrito and enjoy! 

It is now a family favorite.   My husband used the word "amazing" to describe his.   For something that we completely threw together, it was pretty damn good! 

Even Cooper loved it!

21 Day Fix Containers:
2 Yellow {Rice & Tortilla}
1 Red {Chicken}
1 Blue {Cheese}
1/4 Green {Homemade Salsa}

Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekly Menu 5/4 - 5/10

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Leftover Chicken Parm + Salad {1Y 1R 2G 1/2B 1O}
      Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Homemade Chicken Nuggets, Peas & Fries

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Chicken Salad {1R 3G 1O}
      Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: English Muffin Pizzas + Cottage Cheese {2Y 1P 1B + 1R}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Chicken Salad {1R 3G 1O}

     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Chicken, Rice, Cheese & Salsa Burritos {1R 2Y 1B}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Flatout, Turkey & Cheese + Side Salad {1Y 1R 1B + 3G 1O}
      Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Chicken Quesadillas {1R 1Y 1B}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Taco Chicken Salad {1R 2G 1B 1O}
      Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Flank Steak in Crockpot, Rice & Green Beans {1R 1Y 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Taco Chicken Salad {1R 2G 1B 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes & Corn {1R 2Y}

     Breakfast: Shakeology + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Pita with Lunch Meat, Cheese, Lettuce & Carrots {1Y 1R 1B 2G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter + Seeds {1P 1T 1O}
     Supper: Pork Roast, Potatoes & Carrots {1R 1Y 1G}

Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekly Menu 4/27 – 5/3

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt, Fruit + Waffle, Peanut Butter {1R 1P 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Salad w/ Chicken, Dressing & Green Beans {2G 1R 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Baked Ziti {1Y 1G 1R 1B}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Leftover Baked Ziti {1Y 1G 1R 1B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter + Sunflower Seeds {1P 1T 1O}
     Supper: Burgers, Roasted Carrots & Bun {1R 2G 1T 1Y}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Leftover Burgers, Roasted Carrots {1R 2G 1T}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Chicken, Rice, Cheese & Salsa Burritos {1R 2Y 1B}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt, Fruit + Waffle, Peanut Butter {1R 1P 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: AgStar Lunch {1R 3G 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Pizza Quesadillas + Cottage Cheese {1R 1Y 1P 1B}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Pita with Lunch Meat, Cheese, Lettuce {1Y 1R 1B 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Rehearsal Dinner :  {1R 1Y 2G 1O 1T}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Subway Salad {2G 1R 1O 1/2B}
     Afternoon Snack: String Cheese + Wheat Thins {1B 1Y}
     Supper: Wedding Supper:  {1R 1G 1P 1O 2T}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Pita with Lunch Meat, Cheese, Lettuce {1Y 1R 1B 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter + Seeds {1P 1T 1O}
     Supper: Chicken Parm w/ Green Beans {1R 1Y 1B 1P 2G}

Biggest Fail of The Week:  BAKED ZITI.  It just didn't taste right.  I made the whole regular size batch, and froze half of it.  I'm probably going to throw it out.  Not a fan!   Not everything can be perfect, right??

Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekly Menu 4/20 – 4/26

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Leftover Mexican Lasagna + Carrots {1R 1Y 1G 1B + 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Chicken Skewers, Green Beans and Brown Rice {1R 1Y 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Leftover Chicken Skewers, Green Beans and Brown Rice {1R 1Y 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Chicken Nachos {1R 1Y 1G 1B 1O}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt, Fruit Waffle, Peanut Butter {1R 1P 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Chicken Taco Salad {1R 2G 1B 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Spaghetti {1Y 1R 1P}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Leftover Spaghetti + Carrots {1Y 1R 1P + 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Scrambled Eggs & Toast {1R 1B 1Y}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1Y}
     Lunch: HyVee Salad Bar {3G 1R 1B 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     SupperBoneless Buffalo Chicken Bites + Sweet Potato Fries {1R 1Y 1T + 1Y}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Chicken Salad {1R 2G 1O 0.5B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 2T}
     Supper: Taco Salads {1R 1B 2G 1O}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Salad {1R 1B 1O 2G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter and Waffle + PB {1P 1T + 1Y 1T}
     Supper: Flank Steak, Roasted Carrots & Rice {1R 1Y 1G}

Our favorite meal this week - the Boneless Buffalo Chicken Bites.  It tasted almost identical to BWW!  It had a bit more of a kick than I would have liked, but I paired with a small glass of milk.   Cooper had "chicken nuggets" instead.  It will be made again!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekly Menu 4/13 - 4/19

     Breakfast: Shakeology + Spinach, Blueberries & Strawberries {1R 1G 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + String Cheese {1R 1B}
     Lunch: Leftover Lasagna Roll Ups {1Y 1R 1G 1B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Crockpot Roast, Carrots, Potatoes {1R 1Y 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit + Waffle and PB {1R 1P 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Leftover Crockpot Roast, Carrots, Potatoes {1R 1Y 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter + String Cheese {1P 1T 1B}
     Supper: Rosemary Chicken, Green Beans & Potatoes {1R 2G 1Y}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt, Fruit Waffle, Peanut Butter {1R 1P 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Leftover Rosemary Chicken, Green Beans & Potatoes {1R 2G 1Y}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Burgers + Asparagus {1R 2G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Leftover Burgers + Asparagus {1R 2G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Chicken Quesadillas + Carrots {1R 1B 1Y 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1Y}
     Lunch: At a Meeting: 1R 1G 1B 1O
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Eating Out:  Burger & Salad {1R 2G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Chicken Salad {1R 2G 1O 0.5B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 2T}
     Supper: Eating Out:  Chicken & Veggies {1R 2G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Subway or Jimmy Johns {1G 1R 1Y}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 2T}
     Supper: Mexican Lasagna + Salad {1R 1Y 1G 1B + 1G 1O}
This week, the winner was Mexican Lasagna!!   It was delicious!  You have GOT to try it!  Even Cooper ate every bite. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Weekly Menu 4/6 - 4/12

Here is my menu from this past week.  I am in the 1200-1499 container bracket.  If you would like to see what bracket you would fit into, click here

In my bracket, I need to have the following each day:
Green (Veggies) = 3
Purple (Fruits) = 2
Red (Protein) = 4
Yellow (Carbs) = 2
Blue (Healthy Fats & Cheeses) = 1
Orange (Seeds & Oils) = 1
Teaspoons = 2

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Pita w/ Deli Meat, Carrots, String Cheese {1Y 1R 1G 1B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Steak, Rice & Green Beans {1R 1Y 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Leftover Steak, Rice & Beans {1R 1Y 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter + Sunflower Seeds {1P 1T 1O}
     Supper: Chicken Parmesan + Side Salad {1Y 1B 1R 2G 1O}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt, Waffle, Peanut Butter {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Leftover Chicken Parm + Carrots {1Y 1B 1R 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Tacos on Lettuce Wraps {1G 1R 0.5B 1O}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt, Waffle, Peanut Butter {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Leftover Taco Salad + Carrots {1R 3G 1B 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Banana Pancakes {1Y 1R 1P}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Chili, Crackers & Cheese {1R 1Y 1G 1P 0.5B}
     Afternoon Snack: Carrots, Seeds & Peanut Butter {1G 1O 2T}
     Supper Lasagna Roll Ups {1Y 1G 1R 1P 1B}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Scrambled Eggs, Toast & Fruit {1R 0.5B 1Y 1P}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 2T}
     Supper: Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops, Steamed Veggie & Steamed Potato {1R 1B 1Y 2G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Fruit {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Flatout, Deli Meat, Cheese, Snap peas {1Y 1R 1B 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 2T}
     Supper: Roast in Crockpot {1R 1Y 2G 1O}

My favorite meal this week had to be the Lasagna Roll Ups.  They were absolutely delicious!  I did include shredded chicken in mine to add more protein.  

These were pretty easy to make, just took a lot of time.  I bet it took me over an hour to make them.  But, completely worth it!  I think the next time I make this, I will double it and make a couple smaller batches.   According to the website, 1 serving is 2 roll ups.

Enjoy!  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!  :)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Weekly Menu 3/30 - 4/5

Here is my menu from last week.  I am in the 1200-1499 container bracket.  If you would like to see what bracket you would fit into, click here

In my bracket, I need to have the following each day:
Green (Veggies) = 3
Purple (Fruits) = 2
Red (Protein) = 4
Yellow (Carbs) = 2
Blue (Healthy Fats & Cheeses) = 1
Orange (Seeds & Oils) = 1
Teaspoons = 2

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt, Waffle w/ Peanut Butter {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Taco Salad {1R 2G 1B 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Rosemary Chicken, Potatoes & Carrots {1R 1Y 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ spinach {1P 1G}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Watermelon {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Leftover Chicken, Potatoes & Carrots {1R 1G 0.5Y}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter + Sunflower Seeds {1P 1T 1O}
     Supper: Chicken Enchiladas {1R 1G 1B 1.5Y}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ fruit {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt, Waffle w/ Peanut Butter {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Leftover Chicken Enchiladas {1R 1G 1B 1.5Y}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Hamburger (w/o bun) & Green Beans {1R 2G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ spinach {1P 1G}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt, Waffle w/ Peanut Butter, Kiwi {1R 1Y 1T 1P}
     Lunch: Leftover Burger + Side Salad {1R 2G 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Tortilla Pizzas {1Y 1B 1P}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Watermelon {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Flatout, Lunchmeat & Lettuce {1Y 1R 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 2T}
     SupperChicken Parmesan + Side Salad {1Y 1B 1R 2G 1O}

     Breakfast: Shakeology {1R}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Scrambled Eggs, Toast & Fruit {1R 0.5B 1Y 1P}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 2T}
     Supper: Steak, Green Beans, Rice & Salad {1R 2G 1Y 1G 0.5B 1O}

     Breakfast: Shakeology + Spinach & Fruit {1R 1G 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Sunflower Seeds {1R 1O}
     Lunch: (EASTER!) Ham, Veggie, Potatoes {1R 2G 1Y}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 2T}
     Supper: Chicken Quesadillas {1Y 1R 1B}

My favorite Peanut Butter is the Bees Knees Natural Peanut Butter.  It is seriously like crack to me.  If I get a sweet tooth, I just take a spoonful a peanut butter and it greatly helps with my cravings!  I buy it at HyVee in the Health Mart section for $4.99 a jar.   Yes, its much more expensive, but the ingredients are natural, compared to Jif and Skippy.  It is worth every extra penny!

Enjoy!  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!  :)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Banana Strawberry Blueberry Shakeology

Finding this recipe was life changing for me.  Ok, maybe not "life changing"... but holy freakin' delicious! 

First off, I have to say that I am in LOVE with my Ninja Blender.  You can find the same one HERE on Amazon.  It blends everything so well.   It is definitely worth the money!

I find it easiest to do it in this order:

1.  Half banana - cut into smaller pieces
2.  8oz {1cup} Almond Milk
3.  Palm full of frozen blueberries
4.  Handful of frozen strawberries
5.  One scoop of Vanilla Shakeology
6. Blend! *
7. ENJOY! 

*I don't add any ice on this recipe

Friday, April 3, 2015

Why This? Why Now?

Do you ever ask yourself those two questions?  Why this?  Why now?  I would like to answer these two questions for you.  So you can understand where I started from and where I want to be.

Why This?

Ever since I can remember, I've loved helping people.  I loved talking to people and figuring out how to help solve their problems.   This is probably why I ended up in the mortgage industry.  I absolutely love helping young couple accomplish their dreams by getting the keys to their first home.

Over the last few months, I noticed a lot of buzz on Facebook about the 21 Day Fix.  I was intrigued.   I asked a coach how I could get started.  She told me to sign up a discount coach.  My first thoughts were "Heck yes!  I'll save some money on the shakes!" 

I got my challenge pack in the mail.  I couldn't wait until my Monday challenge group try the shakes.   So, I had Shakeology for supper that Saturday night.  It was delicious!  And so easy to make.

As the week went on, I was able to do the workouts and post to my accountability group.  These groups have really helped me stay on point.  Within my first round, I lost 6lbs.  I knew there was something to this system.  The Shakeology + the 21 Day Fix are a perfect combination for those that are struggling to eat healthy.  As a fulltime working mom of two, I need something that's structured and easy to follow.  I have seen countless transformations.  I cannot wait to complete mine!

Why Now?

One day on the way to work, I was watching the sun come up.  I realized that everything I had been through in the last year was just water under the bridge.  I have a happy and healthy family.  All I could keep thinking about was "how the heck am I able to balance all of this stuff, every day?!"  Being a mother a two kids and working 40 hours a week, its hard to find time to get anything done.  I have to make the time for my family, my friends and most of all, myself.  I know how hard it is to balance daily life. 

In 2013, I started a Bikini Body Mommy Facebook support group.  In 2014, I started a recipe swap group.  I was already doing the things I want to do now.  I just want to put them into a central place for all to find.

The goal of this blog is this... To inspire and help other busy moms create balance in their daily lives.  My plan is to share recipes, tips for living a healthier lifestyle, fitness coaching, and life hacks.  My blog will also feature beauty and fashion tips along with some fun DIY interior design projects.

I have made a change for myself and for my family.   Now it's your turn.

Contact me today on Facebook or send me an email.