Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Happy Holidays Meal Plan


This week will be a little different than most weeks.  With the Christmas holiday this weekend, we will be traveling and spending time with family.  I'm certain most of you will as well.  I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season!

I am trying a couple new recipes this week because I'm off work for a couple days.   I will be writing up the ones that we like and adding them to my blog soon!

You will notice that I have three slow cooker recipes on the menu this week.  Tis the season, right?  :)

Below is a simple meal plan that we will follow this week too!  Enjoy!


Monday -  Slow Cooker Honey Garlic Chicken & Veggies**

Tuesday -  {Taco Tuesday}  Taco Cups**

Wednesday -  Easy Chicken Parmesan Bake **

Thursday -  Kodiak Pancakes + Oven Bacon

Friday -  English Muffin Pizzas

Saturday -  {Appetizers for Christmas}  Crock Pot Pizza Dip

Sunday -  Slow Cooker Pineapple Ham, Mashed Potatoes & Corn

** New recipe

Sunday, December 17, 2017

What is 80 Day Obsession?

Beachbody is preparing for the launch of the newest program, 80 Day Obsession with celebrity trainer, Autumn Calabrese.  Autumn is best known for the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Hammer & Chisel, and Country Heat

I will be honest, I don't necessarily love the word "Obsession".  By definition, obsess means to preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent. 
I didn't like the connotation it may have for my customers and people I am trying to help have a HEALTHY relationship with nutrition and fitness. However, after listening to Autumn share her own thoughts on the word, I realized it is up to ME to teach others that it is OKAY to be obsessed with being HEALTHY. With taking care of the one BODY you have with to MOVE, FUEL, AND LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE. 

Let's face it! When we take care of ourselves first, it impacts everyone else around us!

Your family, your friends, and everyone else around you will be happiest if YOU are happy and take some time to care for yourself. I've had the chance to check out 5 of these new workouts, and I love the challenge of working new muscles, and focusing on gaining strength- not so much about weight loss.  But its definitely going to be a great benefit!

What can you transform most with a program like this? What could you gain from 80 days of focus and dedication? 

Look at these jaw dropping before and afters!

So, what is 80 Day Obsession?
This program is not only going to help you shed pounds, but it will also help you build lean muscles and going to tone your entire body.

 Workouts: There are 3 phases of workouts over the course of 13 weeks. In total there are 97 days of workouts because you get Sundays off as a rest day.   The workouts range from 45-60 minutes, and as always, there is a modifier.  The workouts will only be available on Beachbody on Demand (BOD).  

Nutrition: This program uses the portion fix containers for measurements but is totally different than the 21 Day Fix or other program. Autumn introduces timed nutrition, which is a macro-nutrient plan that is timed to produce amazing results. She walks you through the meal planning part and the fitness part of the journey. And as your coach, I will be there every step- right along with you!  I will be using Energize (pre-workout) and Recover (post-workout) along with my Shakeology to get the best results available.

My 80 Day Obsession Test Group will be starting workouts on January 15th.  Beginning January 8th, I’m going to help you out with the timed nutrition, designing meal plans, sticking with your workouts, troubleshooting, and focusing on YOURSELF!

Who is the 80 Day Obsession for?
This program is for anyone who wants to literally get strict with their nutrition and see how far they can go with results.  You do need to have a base level of fitness and an understanding of the portion fix and clean eating nutrition will help.
  • Those that want a leaner, firmer, more sculpted body.
  • Women looking to add some curves WITHOUT bulking up.
  • Anyone who wants more definition.
  • Fitness fans looking for an intense, holistic workout that they can do at home.
  • People who love a challenge!
The really good news is this...  You have lots of time to get ready for 80 Day Obsession which is why I am hosting a “Prepare to Be Obsessed” Facebook Group to help you get your nutrition in check and your fitness up to speed.

Are you ready to get started?   
Fill out my application HERE  (or below!) to reserve your spot! I only have 20 spots available for this new challenge group!  Get ready to be in the absolute best shape of your life!

Still have questions?
Contact me via email at FierceRepublicFitness@gmail.com
Or send me a message on my Facebook or Instagram

**please note**
My job as a coach is to support you through the process and provide daily accountability and we work through this program together. My job is NOT to make you obsessed with your body but to help you focus on feeling your best. This program will require a shift in mindset as we start seeing food as fuel. 
I will not obsess over my body image but focus on preparing to look and feel my personal best.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Julie's Meatloaf

This was my mother's meatloaf recipe she gave to me.  It is simple and delicious.  And a bonus, its great as a leftover!


  • 1 pound hamburger (preferably 93% or higher)
  • 1 egg
  • 10 saltine crackers smashed
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 tbsp minced onion 
  • Salt & pepper

  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease glass loaf dish with cooking spray (I prefer olive oil cooking spray).
  • Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper if desired; mix well with clean hands.
  • Place mixture in loaf pan. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until cooked through.

Slow Cooker Ham & Potato Soup

This Ham and Potato Soup is a hit at our house.  Its an easy winter meal that's pretty much set it and forget it!

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 4 hours
Total Time: 4 hours 15 minutes
Servings: 8

  • 8 cups russet potatoes , diced
  • 1 yellow onion , diced (not an onion fan?  Use 1 tbsp of minced onion!)
  • 2 large carrots , peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 cup chopped celery
  • 16 ounce diced ham
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • ½ cup plain greek yogurt

  • Add the potatoes, onion, carrot, celery, ham, salt, pepper chicken broth to your slow cooker and cook on low 7-8 hours, or high 4-5 hours.
  • After potatoes are cooked through, use a potato masher, mash about 1/3 of the potatoes (don't worry the ham won't really mash that much)
  • Add the flour, milk and plain greek yogurt and stir everything together.
  • Cover and cook on high for an additional 15 minutes.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Mexican Lasagna

  • 1lb lean ground beef
  • 1 cup of shredded cheddar or Colby jack cheese
  • 1 cup of cottage cheese
  • 1 cup of clean salsa
  • Frozen corn
  • 1 pkt taco seasoning
  • 5 whole wheat tortillas

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. In a skillet pan sprayed with nonstick spray, cook the ground beef until brown. Drain if necessary. Turn to low and add salsa, and taco seasoning and mix together. Set aside.
  3. In a bowl, combine 3/4 cup of the cheddar cheese and the cup of cottage cheese.
  4. In a baking dish sprayed with nonstick spray, line the pan with one tortilla shell. Scoop 1/4 of the meat mixture on top and spread out, covering the tortillas. Then add ¼ of the cheese mix on top of the meat and spread. Repeat the layers again with remaining tortillas, meat, and cottage cheese. I sprinkled frozen corn. Top with remaining cheese.
  5. Cover and bake for 40 minutes and enjoy!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Shift Shop - Week 1

A new program was released just a few weeks ago.  It's called the Shift Shop with Beachbody's newest trainer, Chris Downing.

Meet the Trainer: 
Chris Downing is a proven personal trainer who has just one goal in sight: to help you accelerate the change you've always wanted. As creator of the Shift Shop fitness program, Chris’ engaging, motivation-based approach helps you grow stronger both physically and mentally. It's about so much more than helping you just get fit and lose weight. It's about shifting your body and mind to a place that allows you to reinvent yourself. Chris encourages you to envision what you want to look like and accomplish THAT. He takes the most results-driven training methods—effective for everyone from pro and amateur athletes to the everyday gym-goer—and tailors them to help you achieve a significant total-body transformation. This includes shorter workouts with exercise intervals that help you burn calories fast, and lose fat, while still increasing your strength. Whether it's agility training, premium weight-loss moves, or the ultimate abs workout—prepare to burn fat and reshape your physique at lightning speed—all while being powered by Chris' personal philosophy: Love. Empower. Inspire. 

Why the Shift Shop works:
Using his cutting-edge ramp effect, Chris starts you off with shorter workouts to help you stay focused and committed—without burning you out.
Just as your body adapts, Chris ups the level of activity and intensity just enough to continue to accelerate your endurance and your results.
Chris cranks up everything for the last time, ultimately shifting your body from the one you had 3 weeks ago to one that’s significantly faster, stronger, and leaner.
Because the program is just 3 weeks, you can easily fit it into your schedule. This is your shift. The one you’ve been talking about. You can do this.

My menu:

Shift shop follows the same container system for the 21 Day Fix.   I was on Plan A, which meant I had 4 Protein (red), 3 Vegetables (green), 2 Fruits (purple), 2 Carbs (yellow), 1 Healthy Fat (blue), 1 Seeds & Dressings (orange) & 2 Teaspoons.  

Knowing that I will be at work all week and home most of the week and weekend, I created a meal that would fit our lifestyle and budget.

For the first ever, I meal prepped.  I didn't want to find any reason for an excuse to throw me off my plan.  It will make everything SO easy in the mornings!  And yes, my husband is doing this with me.  He doesn't get a choice.  Haha.

Monday morning came and it was time to take measurements.  I hopped on the scale and recorded a 143.9.   My ultimate goal has always been to be at 135, but I've learned that its not about the scale, its about the photo transformation and my measurements.  

Time to make the shift!  Let's do this!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Weekly Menu 2/6 - 2/12

     Breakfast: Tropical Strawberry Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Leftover Stuffed Shells with Grandma’s sauce from Fixate {1Y 1R 2G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + PB {1P 2T}
     Supper: Parmesan Ranch Crusted Chicken, Green Beans, Rice {1Y 1R 1G}

Tropical Strawberry Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P} 
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Apple & PB {1R 1P 2T}     
     Lunch: Leftover Parmesan Ranch Crusted Chicken, Green Beans, Rice {1Y 1R 1G}
     Afternoon Snack: Carrots + Hummus {2G 1B}     
     Supper: Meatloaf, Potatoes & Beans {1R 1Y}

     Breakfast: Eggs + Toast {1R 1Y 1T}     
     Morning Snack: Tropical Strawberry Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P} 
     Lunch: Leftover Meatloaf, Potatoes & Beans {1R 1Y}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}     
     Supper: Taco Salads {3G 1R 1B 1O}

     Breakfast: Tropical Strawberry Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P} 
     Morning Snack: Cottage Cheese {1R}     
     Lunch: Leftover Leftover Tacos with Shell {1G 1R 1B 1Y}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: OUT TO EAT [Striving for a salad :) ]

     Breakfast:Tropical Strawberry Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Cottage Cheese {1R}     
     Lunch: Jimmy John's
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Hamburgers with Roasted Zuchinni & Carrots {2G 1R}       


     Breakfast: Eggs + Toast {1R 1Y 1T}
     Morning Snack: Tropical Strawberry Shakeology {1R}
     Lunch: Homemade Pizza {1R 1Y 1P 1B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter and Carrots {1G 1P 1T}
     Supper: Spaghetti with a Spaghetti Squash {1R 1P 2G}


     Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs + Bacon {1R 1/2B}
     Morning Snack: Tropical Strawberry Shakeology {1R}
     Lunch: Leftover Spaghetti with a Spaghetti Squash {1R 1P 2G}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bowls, Broccoli & Rice

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Order Shakeology Sample Pack

Wanna try before you buy?  You can buy a Shakeology Sample Pack!  You know you want it!  :)

Each sample pack will include 6 packets of Shakeology (2 chocolate, 2 vanilla and 2 strawberry) plus a shaker bottle and a recipe card.  There is a limited quantity available, so act fast!  It will be first come, first serve!

The cost for 6 samples, shaker bottle and recipe card is $35 with free shipping.  Payment will be required through Paypal.  To order your sampler pack, fill out my form here.

Please head on over to sign-up for a free Team Beachbody Account with me as your coach!   If you already have a Team Beachbody account, you are able to switch coaches by filling out the Coach Change Request Form.   My coach id is #563506, email is fischerfamily613@gmail.com and name is Ashley Fischer.

So, in summary here are the steps to get your own Shakeology Sample Pack:

  1. CLICK HERE to sign-up for a free Team Beachbody accout. 
  2. Fill out my form that has all your contact information for me to get your sample pack to you, plus payment information.

I will your be in contact within 24 hours and get your sample pack mailed out within 3 business days.

Your Coach,

Monday, January 30, 2017

Weekly Menu 1/30 - 2/5

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Jimmy John’s Unwich {1R 1G 1B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple {1P}
     Supper: Grilled Chicken, Rice & Coconut Steamed Veggies {1R 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}     
     Lunch: Leftover Salad w/ Chicken {1R 2G + 1/2B}     
     Afternoon Snack: Apple {1P}     
     Supper: Hamburgers @ Dea’s {1R 1Y 1G}

     Breakfast: Eggs + Toast {1R 1Y 1T}     
     Morning Snack: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}     
     Lunch: Leftover Salad w/ Chicken {1R 2G}     
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}     
     Supper: Ham + Potato Soup ** {1R 1Y 1B}         
        ** Adding extra veggies, substituting sour cream for plain greek yogurt

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}     
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}     
     Lunch: Leftover Leftover Ham + Potato Soup & Side Salad {1R 1Y 1B 2G 1O}     
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Chicken Nuggets* + Fries {1Y 1R}
          *All natural chicken nuggets

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Leftover Leftover Ham + Potato Soup & Side Salad {1R 1Y 1B 2G 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Parmesan Crusted Chicken with Bacon*, Green Beans & Mashed Potatoes** {1R, 1Y, 1G}         
         * Substituing Asiago cheese for a sprinkle of mozzerlla and using WildTree Grapeseed Oil to fry
         ** Mashed potatoes made with milk, small amount of butter a plain greek yogurt instead of sour cream.


     Breakfast: Eggs + Toast {1R 1Y 1T}
     Morning Snack: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Taco Salad {1R 2G 1O 1B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: EAT OUT = Make good choices


     Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs + Bacon {1R 1/2B}
     Morning Snack: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Taco Salad with Shell {1R 2G 1O 1/2B 1Y}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Stuffed Shells with Grandma’s sauce from Fixate {1Y 1R 2G}

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

21 Day Fix Approved : Coconut Steamed Veggies


No, really. I used to just like the basics. Carrots, peas and green beans. Oh, and corn. Lots of corn.

I found different ways to make veggies and it has changed my life. My favorite is still roasted broccoli (Recipe HERE), but these coconut steamed veggies are a close 2nd!

Coconut Steamed Veggies
  • 1 cup fresh broccoli
  • 1 cup fresh cauliflower
  • 1 cup carrots
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Sea Salt

  1. In a medium saucepan, bring 1 cup water to a rapid boil.  
  2. Place broccoli, cauliflower and carrots in the saucepan and cover with a lid.   Let boil for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they are tender crisp.
  3. Drain water.
  4. Place coconut oil in the freshly steamed veggies and toss to coat.  Top with some sea salt and enjoy!

These make an amazing leftovers as well!  :)

For those of you following the 21 Day Fix, this recipe would be 1 Green, 1 tsp.  

3 Day Refresh Review

This is the third time I have done the 3 Day Refresh.  Each time I do it, it gets a little easier.  I've finally come to the realization that its ONLY 3 days.  You can do anything for 3 days.  Is it easy?  No.  Is it worth it?  YES!

Who should do the 3 Day Refresh?

  • Someone wanting to lose a few pounds quickly and/or look better in just 3 days.
  • Anyone who has "fallen off the wagon" with their nutrition and want to get back on.
  • Someone wanting to kick start clean eating habits for the first time.
  • Anyone just wanting to prepare for a big event, milestone or trip and want to look their best.

Overall, the 3 Day Refresh is for anyone who wants to lose weight quickly, feel lighter, feel cleaner, improve digestion, feel healthier, curb cravings for junk food and/or improve mental clarify.  

I was ready to rock an roll on my 3 Day Refresh from Sunday to Tuesday.   I purchased all my groceries on Friday and planned to follow the menu below:

Sunday:  Everything started off really well.   Before I was able to have my lunch, I got a phone call from my mom that we needed to take my dad into the ER.  Before transporting him to Rochester (3 hours from home)  I was able to come home and get my meals for the rest of the day, plus the next day.  After a long night, my dad having surgery and being up until almost 2 am, I was able to get some sleep.
Monday:  I was able to sleep in for a while and then head back over to the hospital.  I'm actually very fortunate that this was the timing of the 3 Day Refresh or I would have gone way off track with my eating habit.  There are not many healthy options at a hospital, especially after hours.  My day wasn't perfect, but I was able to get home and have supper with my family.
Tuesday: A much better day.  I headed back to work and was able to plan out my day.  Temptation set in when there was food available at work.  Fried chicken and tacos, along with cookies, to be exact.  I was able to stray away, knowing I only had the one day left.  It wasn't worth throwing out all of my hard work.

Now to my results...

The first time I did the 3 Day Refresh, I lost 7lbs.  SEVEN pounds in 3 days.  Holy moly!  The second time, it was 5lb.  This time, it was 4.8lbs.  Given the circumstances, I am happy with my results.

It's not about the number on the scale.  It's about how I look and feel.  My results don't lie.  And I feel great!

4.8lbs gone!

Are you intersted in jumpstarting your weight loss or breaking through a plateau?  Fill out my application to join my 3 Day Refresh Group HERE and I will get in contact within 24 hours!

Friday, January 6, 2017

21 Day Fix : FREE Meal Planning Templates

Almost two years ago, I came across a program that was unknown to me.  It was called the 21 Day Fix.   As a new mom of a little girl, I was desperate to feel better about myself.  I didn't feel comfortable in my skin.   I wanted to show that little girl how to be healthy and strong.  I was able to lose my 30lbs of baby weight in just 5 short months!

I am an insanely busy working mom of 2.  We are always on the go.  I wanted to find easier ways to meal plan.  It is already a very daunting process that can be overwhelming the first few weeks.

Using the tools below should help you along!  (Right click the photo and save to your desktop to print)

1200-1499 Calories:

1500-1799 Calories:

1800-2099 Calories:

2100-2299 Calories:

2300-2499 Calories:

2500-2800 Calories:


Trying to figure out which calorie bracket you fit into? Follow the instructions below:

                 A. Take your current body weight in pounds and multiply that number by 11 to calculate your baseline calories.

                 B. Then, add 400 to your baseline calories to equal your daily caloric needs.

                 C. And then, subtract 750 from your caloric needs – this equals your calorie target.

If you wanted to maintain weight, use this equation:

                  Multiply your body weight by 11 and add 400 calories.

If you wanted to gain weight, use this:

                  Multiply your body weight by 11 and add 900 calories.

**Very important! If your calorie target calculates below 1200, roundup to the 1200 level. You should NEVER go below 1200 calories in a day – it is not healthy over an extended period of time.

If you are interested in joining my next challenge group, please send me an email here.  I would love to help you hit your health and fitness goals!