Wednesday, January 25, 2017

3 Day Refresh Review

This is the third time I have done the 3 Day Refresh.  Each time I do it, it gets a little easier.  I've finally come to the realization that its ONLY 3 days.  You can do anything for 3 days.  Is it easy?  No.  Is it worth it?  YES!

Who should do the 3 Day Refresh?

  • Someone wanting to lose a few pounds quickly and/or look better in just 3 days.
  • Anyone who has "fallen off the wagon" with their nutrition and want to get back on.
  • Someone wanting to kick start clean eating habits for the first time.
  • Anyone just wanting to prepare for a big event, milestone or trip and want to look their best.

Overall, the 3 Day Refresh is for anyone who wants to lose weight quickly, feel lighter, feel cleaner, improve digestion, feel healthier, curb cravings for junk food and/or improve mental clarify.  

I was ready to rock an roll on my 3 Day Refresh from Sunday to Tuesday.   I purchased all my groceries on Friday and planned to follow the menu below:

Sunday:  Everything started off really well.   Before I was able to have my lunch, I got a phone call from my mom that we needed to take my dad into the ER.  Before transporting him to Rochester (3 hours from home)  I was able to come home and get my meals for the rest of the day, plus the next day.  After a long night, my dad having surgery and being up until almost 2 am, I was able to get some sleep.
Monday:  I was able to sleep in for a while and then head back over to the hospital.  I'm actually very fortunate that this was the timing of the 3 Day Refresh or I would have gone way off track with my eating habit.  There are not many healthy options at a hospital, especially after hours.  My day wasn't perfect, but I was able to get home and have supper with my family.
Tuesday: A much better day.  I headed back to work and was able to plan out my day.  Temptation set in when there was food available at work.  Fried chicken and tacos, along with cookies, to be exact.  I was able to stray away, knowing I only had the one day left.  It wasn't worth throwing out all of my hard work.

Now to my results...

The first time I did the 3 Day Refresh, I lost 7lbs.  SEVEN pounds in 3 days.  Holy moly!  The second time, it was 5lb.  This time, it was 4.8lbs.  Given the circumstances, I am happy with my results.

It's not about the number on the scale.  It's about how I look and feel.  My results don't lie.  And I feel great!

4.8lbs gone!

Are you intersted in jumpstarting your weight loss or breaking through a plateau?  Fill out my application to join my 3 Day Refresh Group HERE and I will get in contact within 24 hours!

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