Monday, January 30, 2017

Weekly Menu 1/30 - 2/5

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}
     Lunch: Jimmy John’s Unwich {1R 1G 1B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple {1P}
     Supper: Grilled Chicken, Rice & Coconut Steamed Veggies {1R 1G}

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt + Waffle and PB {1R 1Y 1T}     
     Lunch: Leftover Salad w/ Chicken {1R 2G + 1/2B}     
     Afternoon Snack: Apple {1P}     
     Supper: Hamburgers @ Dea’s {1R 1Y 1G}

     Breakfast: Eggs + Toast {1R 1Y 1T}     
     Morning Snack: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}     
     Lunch: Leftover Salad w/ Chicken {1R 2G}     
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}     
     Supper: Ham + Potato Soup ** {1R 1Y 1B}         
        ** Adding extra veggies, substituting sour cream for plain greek yogurt

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}     
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}     
     Lunch: Leftover Leftover Ham + Potato Soup & Side Salad {1R 1Y 1B 2G 1O}     
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Chicken Nuggets* + Fries {1Y 1R}
          *All natural chicken nuggets

     Breakfast: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Morning Snack: Greek Yogurt {1R}
     Lunch: Leftover Leftover Ham + Potato Soup & Side Salad {1R 1Y 1B 2G 1O}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Parmesan Crusted Chicken with Bacon*, Green Beans & Mashed Potatoes** {1R, 1Y, 1G}         
         * Substituing Asiago cheese for a sprinkle of mozzerlla and using WildTree Grapeseed Oil to fry
         ** Mashed potatoes made with milk, small amount of butter a plain greek yogurt instead of sour cream.


     Breakfast: Eggs + Toast {1R 1Y 1T}
     Morning Snack: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Taco Salad {1R 2G 1O 1B}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: EAT OUT = Make good choices


     Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs + Bacon {1R 1/2B}
     Morning Snack: Shakeology w/ Banana {1R 1P}
     Lunch: Taco Salad with Shell {1R 2G 1O 1/2B 1Y}
     Afternoon Snack: Apple + Peanut Butter {1P 1T}
     Supper: Stuffed Shells with Grandma’s sauce from Fixate {1Y 1R 2G}

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

21 Day Fix Approved : Coconut Steamed Veggies


No, really. I used to just like the basics. Carrots, peas and green beans. Oh, and corn. Lots of corn.

I found different ways to make veggies and it has changed my life. My favorite is still roasted broccoli (Recipe HERE), but these coconut steamed veggies are a close 2nd!

Coconut Steamed Veggies
  • 1 cup fresh broccoli
  • 1 cup fresh cauliflower
  • 1 cup carrots
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Sea Salt

  1. In a medium saucepan, bring 1 cup water to a rapid boil.  
  2. Place broccoli, cauliflower and carrots in the saucepan and cover with a lid.   Let boil for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they are tender crisp.
  3. Drain water.
  4. Place coconut oil in the freshly steamed veggies and toss to coat.  Top with some sea salt and enjoy!

These make an amazing leftovers as well!  :)

For those of you following the 21 Day Fix, this recipe would be 1 Green, 1 tsp.  

3 Day Refresh Review

This is the third time I have done the 3 Day Refresh.  Each time I do it, it gets a little easier.  I've finally come to the realization that its ONLY 3 days.  You can do anything for 3 days.  Is it easy?  No.  Is it worth it?  YES!

Who should do the 3 Day Refresh?

  • Someone wanting to lose a few pounds quickly and/or look better in just 3 days.
  • Anyone who has "fallen off the wagon" with their nutrition and want to get back on.
  • Someone wanting to kick start clean eating habits for the first time.
  • Anyone just wanting to prepare for a big event, milestone or trip and want to look their best.

Overall, the 3 Day Refresh is for anyone who wants to lose weight quickly, feel lighter, feel cleaner, improve digestion, feel healthier, curb cravings for junk food and/or improve mental clarify.  

I was ready to rock an roll on my 3 Day Refresh from Sunday to Tuesday.   I purchased all my groceries on Friday and planned to follow the menu below:

Sunday:  Everything started off really well.   Before I was able to have my lunch, I got a phone call from my mom that we needed to take my dad into the ER.  Before transporting him to Rochester (3 hours from home)  I was able to come home and get my meals for the rest of the day, plus the next day.  After a long night, my dad having surgery and being up until almost 2 am, I was able to get some sleep.
Monday:  I was able to sleep in for a while and then head back over to the hospital.  I'm actually very fortunate that this was the timing of the 3 Day Refresh or I would have gone way off track with my eating habit.  There are not many healthy options at a hospital, especially after hours.  My day wasn't perfect, but I was able to get home and have supper with my family.
Tuesday: A much better day.  I headed back to work and was able to plan out my day.  Temptation set in when there was food available at work.  Fried chicken and tacos, along with cookies, to be exact.  I was able to stray away, knowing I only had the one day left.  It wasn't worth throwing out all of my hard work.

Now to my results...

The first time I did the 3 Day Refresh, I lost 7lbs.  SEVEN pounds in 3 days.  Holy moly!  The second time, it was 5lb.  This time, it was 4.8lbs.  Given the circumstances, I am happy with my results.

It's not about the number on the scale.  It's about how I look and feel.  My results don't lie.  And I feel great!

4.8lbs gone!

Are you intersted in jumpstarting your weight loss or breaking through a plateau?  Fill out my application to join my 3 Day Refresh Group HERE and I will get in contact within 24 hours!

Friday, January 6, 2017

21 Day Fix : FREE Meal Planning Templates

Almost two years ago, I came across a program that was unknown to me.  It was called the 21 Day Fix.   As a new mom of a little girl, I was desperate to feel better about myself.  I didn't feel comfortable in my skin.   I wanted to show that little girl how to be healthy and strong.  I was able to lose my 30lbs of baby weight in just 5 short months!

I am an insanely busy working mom of 2.  We are always on the go.  I wanted to find easier ways to meal plan.  It is already a very daunting process that can be overwhelming the first few weeks.

Using the tools below should help you along!  (Right click the photo and save to your desktop to print)

1200-1499 Calories:

1500-1799 Calories:

1800-2099 Calories:

2100-2299 Calories:

2300-2499 Calories:

2500-2800 Calories:


Trying to figure out which calorie bracket you fit into? Follow the instructions below:

                 A. Take your current body weight in pounds and multiply that number by 11 to calculate your baseline calories.

                 B. Then, add 400 to your baseline calories to equal your daily caloric needs.

                 C. And then, subtract 750 from your caloric needs – this equals your calorie target.

If you wanted to maintain weight, use this equation:

                  Multiply your body weight by 11 and add 400 calories.

If you wanted to gain weight, use this:

                  Multiply your body weight by 11 and add 900 calories.

**Very important! If your calorie target calculates below 1200, roundup to the 1200 level. You should NEVER go below 1200 calories in a day – it is not healthy over an extended period of time.

If you are interested in joining my next challenge group, please send me an email here.  I would love to help you hit your health and fitness goals!