Monday, November 21, 2016

Core De Force - {Week 2 Recap}

Week 2 was tough.  I got through my Monday workout and then I ended up getting sick and even went to the doctor.   I haven't been to the doctor since March of 2015.  I guess it was finally my time to go in.  I was a little disappointed when I went in and she told me it was from my allergies. 😒

Seriously?   Seriously.

I took  the allergy meds she told me to get.   Fifty dollars later and three days later, I felt much better. I wasn't able to do my workouts again until Saturday and Sunday.   I missed four workouts for the week.  I will add them onto the end of this 30 day round.

I'm not seeing any big differents this week in my mid section.  But honestly, that's to be expected with missing workouts and a half-assed attempt at my meal plan.

Here's what I like to see.  You see that?  My obliques are starting to show.   This makes me sooo happy!

This coming week brings a new set of challenges.

  • Off of work for the week - taking some time for myself!
  • Being home and having the temptation of all the food around me.
  • Traveling to and from Friendsgiving
  • THANKSGIVING - plain and simple!
Bring on WEEK THREE!

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