Sunday, April 17, 2016

21 Day Fix: How to Figure Out Container Counts for your Recipes

One of the most asked questions when someone is starting the 21 Day Fix is “How do I count this recipe with the container system?”  When getting started, my challengers want to give the container system their all and want to make sure they are measuring everything out correctly.  Every meal you make won’t be a veggie, a carb and a meat.   You’ll want to venture out and try something like Mexican Lasagna.  (Which are pretty amazing, by the way!)

I want to be able to give my challengers the tools to be able to complete this on their own.   Otherwise, it will not be easily sustainable for a lifestyle change.   As their coach, this means teaching them how to use the 21 Day Fix for the rest of their life. 

According to the 21 Day Fix Mixed Food guide, most mixed foods are measured in a green container, regardless of whether or not it contains any actual “green” foods.  This is equal to one serving.   HOWEVER – this is only used to measure.  It does not necessarily mean you check off the green container. 
Make note of the different types of foods in your recipe and what containers they would go in. 

Example:  Mexican Lasagna  
Let’s say you are eating Mexican Lasagna.  You would use your green container to measure out your serving.   The main ingredients of this dish is tortillas (yellow), taco meat and cottage cheese (red) and cheese (blue).  Cross off a yellow, one red and one blue.   But, do not cross off your green container.   

Be sure you use common sense with the 21 Day Fix.  Keep this in mind:  I achieved success with this program, even though I didn’t follow it to a T each and every day.   I follow the 80/20 rule.  80% of the time I follow the 21 Day Fix guidelines.  The other 20% of the time, I enjoy a beer and some pizza.    The 21 Day Fix is meant to be a lifestyle change and I hope you are able to maintain long-term.  Don’t get down on yourself if you have one extra yellow in a week, or don’t eat enough of your green containers.   

21 Day Fix Approved : Rosemary Chicken & Roasted Potatoes

This truly is one of our favorite family recipes.  It’s quick and easy to make and is ready in less than 40 minutes, from start to finish!  Oh, and it’s healthy!   WIN-WIN!

  • 1.5lb (+/-) boneless, skinless chicken breasts (trimmed)
  • 1.5lbs potatoes cut into 1” cubes
  • 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tsp minced garlic
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp crushed rosemary
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp pepper

  1. Preheat oven to 425F.
  2. If your chicken breasts are large and thick, we like to pound them to make them thinner.  I typically cut each breast in half. 
  3. Place chicken and potatoes in a large ziplock bag
  4. Mix oil and all spices in a small bowl.
  5. Pour oil mixture over chicken and potatoes.  Close bag and toss to coat well.
  6. Arrange chicken and potatoes in a single layer on a parchment or foil lined baking pan sprayed with non-stick olive oil spray. 
  7. Roast for 15 minutes.  Take out of the oven and stir.  Flip chicken.
  8. Cook for an additional 15 minutes, or until chicken is done.
  9. Pair with a veggie to get your greens in! 

21 Day Fix Container Count:
                1 Red
                1 Yellow
                2 Teaspoon