Monday, January 15, 2018

80 Day Obsession : Week 1

Can I be completely honest?  I've NEVER completed a program from start to finish.  I've NEVER been 100% on point with my nutrition or workouts.   (Insert gasp...  ha!)   But look, I've achieved and maintained some amazing results.

My 2017 was pure hell.  I started the year off being very sick and after $20,000 in medical tests, including an $823.19 stool sample test that wasn't covered by insurance at all, I had ZERO answers.   I lost 10lbs and couldn't workout for months.  I constantly felt nauseous and had zero energy.  I could barely care for myself, let alone my family.
The first week in May, I found out that our rental home wasn't closing on time, my dad's cancer was growing and I found out that I was losing my job of 6 years due to a company merger.   We ended up moving our entire family from Iowa to South Dakota.  This meant two new jobs, a new place to life, two new daycares, and a new school. The sale of our house in Iowa fell through twice.  Needless to say, I felt completely broken for most of 2017.

Insert the announcement of 80 Day Obsession.  Deep down, I knew this program was something that I NEEDED.   Is it going to be easy?  No.  I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous for this program.

80 Day Obsession Overview:
  • Release Date: January 15, 2018
  • Difficulty Level: Intermediate - Advanced
  • Program Length: 13 Weeks, 
  • Workouts: 6 Days/Week (Rest Sundays), 45-60min
  • Combines Cardio & Strength
  • Required Equipment: Weights, Slides, Loops & Mat
  • Meal Plan: Timed-Nutrition using Portion Fix Containers

I plan to document my entire journey on Instagram, my Facebook page and here, via my blog. I am leading a group of women in my challenge group too!  If you are interested in learning more about joining my group, fill out my application HERE

Each week I plan to document:
  1. What went well & not so well
  2. What to work on for the coming week
  3. Meal plan & prepping
  4. Workout schedule
  5. Daily plan
  6. Photos
  7. Measurements
Meal plan for the 1st week will look like this...

Here is what my schedule will look like for this first week...

Before photos and measurements. They were hard to take, but I'm ready for tomorrow!