Saturday, October 31, 2015

No Excuses November

I hit "that point" in my fitness journey.  I need just a little bit more to get over my plateau.  I decided to do a NO EXCUSES NOVEMBER.   I looked at my phone and realized come November 1st, I officially have 90 days until we are in San Diego and 240 days until my 30th birthday.  I have some big goals to hit!

I will be doing the Hammer and Chisel Hybrid Prep Schedule.  The schedule is 25-35min workouts 5 days a week.  All of the workouts are available on BOD (Beachbody on Demand) so I'm able to just grab the laptop, sign in and get started!

Here are the bullet points I came up with to follow:
  • Eat clean 90% (or better)
  • 75oz+ of water daily
  • Eat more greens
  • Shakeology daily
  • Hammer and Chisel Hybrid Prep
  • Train for a 5k by doing the Couch to 5K app
  • 5am workouts before work
  • No soda - only water, tea and beachbody performance
  • One "choice" meal a week
  • Meal plan on Sundays
  • Track food and water in MyFitnessPal
  • Minimum of 7500 steps daily
  • Weigh-ins on Monday and Thursdays - track weight and body fat percentage
  • Take before photos and measurements
  • Take after photos and measurements