Sunday, June 28, 2015

21 Day Fix Approved : Homemade Chicken Nuggets & Fries

My 4 year old, Cooper told me that he was excited for me to go away for a night on a work trip so he could have chicken nuggets and fries.   It broke my heart a little bit.   He’s excited for me to leave so he can eat crummy food?   Insert guilty mom feeling here.

Well, I knew there had to be a better way to make chicken nuggets and fries that didn’t take a ton of extra time and tasted MUCH better than that frozen junk.  Now, as a disclaimer, I am not against a parent feeding their child stuff from the freezer section.  I was guilty of doing it for over 4 years.   But, I will tell you, this only took an extra 20 minutes or so to throw together.  And the best part… I could use the leftover chicken nuggets on my salad for the next couple of days.  SCORE!
1.5lbs Chicken (I used Tenderloins)
2 Eggs
¾ C Whole Wheat Bread Crumbs
¼ C Parmesan Cheese
½ tbsp. Paprika
2 Potatoes (I used Russets)
¼ C Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I started with my fries because I like crunchy fries.  I knew they needed more time to bake than the chicken did.
Start by preheating your oven to 400 degrees. 
1.        Peel potatoes
2.       Cut potatoes into fry shape
3.       Put into bowl and toss with olive oil.   Sprinkle with desired about of sea salt and pepper.
4.       Spread out onto a pan lined with parchment paper, and place in the oven.
Chicken Nuggets
1.       Mix all dry ingredients in bowl (bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, paprika, salt and pepper), set aside.
2.       Break eggs into a separate bowl, whisk them and set aside.
3.       Cut up chicken in desired size (I used 2” pieces).
4.       Line pan with parchment paper, spray with olive oil.
5.       Dip each piece of chicken in egg and then the bread crumbs (making sure to coat the entire piece of chicken).  Place on the pan.  Complete this with all the chicken.
6.       Put in oven for 15-20 minutes, or until chicken is done. 
For you "Fix-ers", this recipe would be 1 red for the chicken and 1 yellow for the fries.   Enjoy!!